This article is going to be more of an open letter to the people of Baton Rouge and the surrounding area’s that are looking for a new gym to call home. God knows you have dozens of options to choose from and a lot of these are going to be fantastic gyms but what I’d like to focus on is what makes The Atlas Strength Shop different.
The Equipment

We are the ONLY gym in the Baton Rouge area that has strongman equipment. We have everything you need including stones, a yoke, logs, sandbags, farmer carry handles and much much more. In addition to all of this we also have the best selection of high quality barbells in the area, a full set of dumbbells, 8 different places you can squat, and plenty of machines to do all of your accessory work. We also have everything you need to be successful in powerlifting and Crossfit as well
The People
I’m not 100 percent sure what it is but our gym has attracted some of the best people I’ve ever met. Everyone that joins works hard. We have a core group that’s always willing to help the newer crowd learn. This leads me to the final and most important aspect that sets us apart from any other gym.
The Culture

From the moment you walk through our doors you’ll be welcomed as family. As long as you don’t act like an asshole, check your ego and the door, and work hard then I promise you that you’ll feel at home under our roof. We have everyone from World Champions to complete beginners training under the same roof and we’re all united in the fact that none of us believe that yesterdays accomplishments are good enough for today. We all push each other. We all chase each other. We call each other out when we’re slacking. We call each other out when we set unrealistic goals. We support each other’s goals, not just in the gym, but in life too. We truly are a family.
If this sounds like something you want to be apart of then please shoot me an email at Or hit us up on Facebook here or Instagram here. We’re a very tight knit group but in order to have the greatest impact we want to grow. Come be apart of our growing family.
Release the Titan in You
Cameron Ray