Fringe Sports Yoke Review
So I broke down and got a yoke. Priced a lot of them online and decided to go with the one made by Fringe Sports. It's 180 lbs unloaded but loadable up to 1,000 lbs. I'm not there yet but maybe one day.
At its highest setting the bottom of the crossbar sits at 74 and a half inches so it can accommodate most heights. However if you're taller than 6 foot you may have issues using this yoke as a squat rack. I included a video bellow of my complete review of this yoke however there's a lot more you can do with it.
Power Rack
This rack is extremely heavy duty and works great as a power rack for all of your barbell lifts. However Fringe Sports does not make compatible spotter arms so I do not recommend maximum effort lifts. Especially without a spotter.
Yoke Carries
There are a lot of ways to carry a yoke. The most common however are on the back (usually in a high bar position), in a Zercher or overhead.
When carrying the yoke on your back be sure to put pressure on the uprights. This will help steady the yoke and give you more tension in your body. When doing a Zercher carry lower the crossbar and support it in the crook of your elbows. Because you can't press on the crossbars it will be a lot more unstable.
Sled Push
Definitely lower the crossbar for this one. If you don't then the uprights will be far too unstable. Get low, straighten the arms out and prepare to hate your life this is a speed event so if you're moving slow then lighten the weight.
Some important things to consider is that when doing yoke walks your nervous system will be extremely taxed. If I were programming this I would make sure the next day was a rest day. Also the yoke carry is a speed event so if your feet start moving slow lighten the weight.
Watch the video below. If you like it then please subscribe with the box to the left and if you already haven't then like our Facebook page. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email at cameron@atlasstrengthshop.com
Yoke Vlog and Review