Strongman in its modern form hasn’t always existed. Prior to to that Strongmen were generally part of circus acts or freak shows wowing audiences with their unbelievable feats of strength. Some of these strongmen would even be headlining acts in their own right. Slowly as circuses waned in popularity strongmen faded into distant memory until its resurgence in 1977 with the first Worlds Strongest Man. Since then Strongman has become a sport unto its self, which if you’re reading this I’m sure you already know.

Recently The Atlas Strength Shop had an opportunity to bring Strongman back to its roots. Several months ago I was put in touch with a man named David Gabel and a crew called Bayou Cirque. They are a small local group that does everything from acrobatics to juggling. Some of them I’m pretty sure could fly if they really wanted to. David and I had similar ideas and they were kind enough to allow a group of us to join them at their show at Wizard Wold in New Orleans, LA.
My original intent was to make this into a YouTube video but unfortunately we were unable to get enough footage to make that happen so instead here are a few videos from the performance!

If you liked this please stick around because we plan on doing more events like this with their crew in the future. Also if you’d like to support the blog then don’t forget that we have a lot of options for personalized programming that you can find here! Also don’t forget to follow us on our Instagram page here and like us on Facebook here. You can also find us YouTube here! More content coming soon!!!
Until next time.
Cameron Ray