Good Morning Titans,

When we first opened our doors to new members on October 5
th, 2018 I had no idea that in less than 6 months we would have grown to this size. We’re still not a large gym but we now have roughly 30 active participants in our community. Some of these have made Atlas their home while others drop in here and there on Saturdays for our weekly Strongman Saturday training sessions. We’re even starting to have people from several states away travel to train with our group. We’ve come so far in such a short period of time but I believe that this is just the beginning. Before long we’ll have around 50 members and that’s probably where I’ll cap it for a while. At that point I believe it will be time to grow our training staff. Hell I’m debating on bringing on another person to assist with training now.

As this community grows I plan to increase our presence online. This means not only will I continue to post this blog every Monday but I also plan to continue the weekly YouTube uploads as well as starting a weekly podcast (The Atlas Initiative coming soon).
Online programming will also increase in availability as well. As the YouTube library grows I’ll be able to attach tutorials to all of the movements involved so you’ll know exactly what is expected with each movement. You’ll also be added to a private Facebook group where you’ll be part of our community.

Enough about where we’re going though. I want to end this letter by thanking the people that have joined us so far. I would never be able to make this place what it is today without the people that had enough faith in the vision to join those first couple of months. Many of these people were athletes that have been following what I’ve been trying to do for a while and when I finally pulled the trigger and opened my own place were there on day one. I will be eternally thankful to all of you.
So yeah that’s it. If you want to learn more about us the best things to do are to follow us on our social media accounts. You can find our
Facebook here, our
Instagram here and subscribe to
our YouTube channel here. If you in the Baton Rouge area I’d like to meet you so just hit me up at and let me know when you’ll be dropping by.