A Quick and Easy Dinner for Someone That Can Barely Cook

A Quick and Easy Dinner for Someone That Can Barely Cook

So, as I’ve said before I only know how to cook probably about 5 or 6 things and steak sure as hell is one of them. So now what I’m going to do is give you a step by step guide on exactly how I make mine. What you’ll need:
  • A steak
  • A sweet potato
  • Some broccoli
  • Grass fed butter
  • Sea salt
  • Cracked black pepper
  • Garlic spray
  • Slap Ya Mamma Cajun seasoning
  • A cast iron skillet
  • Olive oil
So, some of this stuff you might not be able to find but if you don’t go off script too much you should be fine. Step 1: Wrap your sweet potato in a paper towel and pop it in the microwave for about 6 minutes (give or take depending on how big your potato is and how strong your microwave is) Step 2: Heat your skillet up (I usually use about medium heat but that will depend on your stove and skillet) Step 3: Once your skillet is heated up sprinkle some sea salt in the skillet and pour olive oil over it. Step 4: Slap your steak in the skillet and cook for 3 to 4 minutes per side (depending on thickness). Yeah that’s right. This thing is coming out rare to medium rare because that’s how you eat a steak. Add your sea salt and black pepper to both sides of the steak. Step 5: Around the time you’re flipping your steak over your sweet potato will be done. Pull it out and put your broccoli in for about 4 minutes. Step 6: Now that everything is cooked you can go ahead and put it on a plate. I find the best thing to do is to scoop the sweet potato out of its skin. Step 7: Slice about a table spoon of butter off and put it in the pan. While it melts add your Cajun seasoning to the potato and broccoli. You’ll notice that the butter, olive oil and steak juices are all mixing together. Now poured it all over your potatoes and broccoli. Step 8: Ask yourself why you’ve never poured it all over your potatoes and broccoli before. Step 9: Enjoy So now you have the recipe for the best steak you’ve ever eaten. You'll also noticed that I've abandoned the usual black an white aesthetic for this article because lets face it, food doesn't look as good without color. For more tips on nutrition or meal ideas the best thing for you to do is to follow my Instagram here. You can also like my Facebook page here or if you have any questions feel free to email me at cameron@atlasstrengthshop.com. Until next time, Cameron Ray